Monday, 5 March 2012

What Have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I have collected some more audience feedback from other year groups, as well as friends and subscribers on facebook and YouTube respectively, from this I have gathered some issues with the trailer which could be changed, these being: 
- Some scenes are too slow 
- Non-diagetic voiceovers are difficult to hear over non-diagetic music 
- Trailer is too long
- More editing on first and second scene
- Andrew Williamson: 'I think that's good, nice use of shots, nice editing, nice music. One suggestion I have for you is, if grunge is what you're going for (which it seems to be), perhaps rather than a voiceover you could do a direct address shot with the same dialogue in a similar style to a scene in Fight Club where Tyler is talking to the audience and the camera shakes from side to side. I don't know if the software you've got will allow you to recreate that perfectly, but it's something that you could perhaps take the concept from...'

I have already begun work on this feedback, however, we did have some very positive feedback. Some examples being: 


Amelia: 'Literally love it Spolly, so so good. Edited so well to the music, the characters are each introduced just enough so you understand who is who but want to find out more about them... I would go as far to say that I'm jel of your skill :( seriously though, it's awesomely done xxxx'

Laura: 'Is it for teens? if so, great!! you can get away with the transitions like hollyoaks if it's for teens.. and the music... great!'

Emily: 'that was AWEESOME. Although, if they guy wants her to like him. he should've taken the price tag of the flowers ;)'

Richard: ' Loving Ant's and Ed's gay romance.'


omgItsPeter: 'That was amazing, looks like Skins or something!' 

This audience feedback was unanimous, especially from our target audience of teenagers aged 16-19 as well as some 20+ who also commented saying they thought it was very well done and that they'd watch it, I feel that using social networking and web 2.0 to promote a production such as this is very effective as this gives a captive audience of our main target audience. Nevertheless, I still want to improve the trailer and have stopped several things I feel I could improve on from an editors aspect, such as fast cuts which synchronise to the drum beats and overall improvement to the audio synchronisation. 

We also conducted a questionnaire with a small focus group of the lower scale of our demographic, these are the results:

From this feedback, we saw that the younger scale of our demographic would be interested in watching the soap, with 100% of the audience stating a desire to watch it.

1.       After watching the trailer, would you say the trailer is advertising the soap genre?
2.       Would you watch the soap after watching the trailer
3.       Is the music appropriate?
4.       Should there be texts with the voiceover?
5.       Is the trailer the right length?
6.       Are there enough stereotypical characters?
7.       Is there a variety of shot types?

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