Thursday, 6 October 2011

Media Theories

This year, we will be focusing on 6 media theories, these being:

1.The Hypodermic Model

'Media injects ideas/ thoughts into the viewers mind' I will make a separate post discussing this theory with an example, this being the Bulger murder case, this will be paired with copycat theory with the same example.

2. Cultivation theory

Shows that the audience gain a lot of knowledge from the media. I will make a separate post with a prime example of this theory. This could also bee seen as brainwashing/ manipulation. As the media has such a large impact on society this theory could be abused as it was with old radio broadcasts, I will discussi this in further detail in a later post.

3. Desensitisation

Where audiences have been exposed to excessive violence/ gore/ sexual content and become less sensitive to the topics in the film/ video game industry. This has been much more prominent in recent years, for example in the 70's/ 80's many more films were being cut for violence and excessive gore than today, this is due to audience change.

4. Copycat Theory

Where audiences 'copy' what they see, with such violent/ graphic films as Human Centipede 2 and Crash, if they were to be imitated it is extremely important that they are banned as it could have catastrophic circumstances. This theory suggests that people will do what they see, this would be a huge concern for parents if their children watch a horror/ psychological thriller.

5. Uses and gratifications

The uses and gratification theory discusses what the audience gain from the media, I show the 4 sub categories and a few examples below.

-Finding out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings, society and the     world.
-Seeking advice on practical matters or opinion and decision choices.
-Satisfying curiosity and general interest.
-Learning; self-education.
-Gaining a sense of security through knowledge.
 Personal Identity:
-Finding reinforcement for personal values.Finding models of behaviour.
-Identifying with characters. 
-Gaining insight.
Integration and Social Interaction:
-Identifying with others.
-Looking for topics to converse with friends about.

-Helping to carry out social roles.

-Escaping, or being diverted, from problems.
-Getting enjoyment.
-Emotional release.
-Sexual arousal.

6. Reception analysis and ethnography

Media audiences are seen as active producers of meaning as opposed to passive viewers are the hypodermic model suggests, this theories shows that different people take different aspects from a film due to their race, social class, upbringing etc.  This means that the viewers will have a unique/individual response to a media text as opposed to a one minded passive view. Life experiences of the viewer will also impact this, for example, a girl who was raped will have a stronger view against rape being glorified in films such as 'Last house on the left' as opposed to a viewer with no experiences of such occurrences.

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